MaJor DisGusTokay, i'm utterly disgusted. not with notes but more with this other weird situation tt just happened. this annonymous number appeared on my hp so i just picked it up. he said my name, and then introduced himself as Jeremy. (i dunno who the hell he is) i didnt wanna sound rude so i asked him where's he from n how i knew him. he said he was in NTU 3rd yr engin, n he knew me from some climbing competition. i asked him how he got my number and he said he was physically attracted to me and tt he came up to me to ask my number and i just gave it to him. i was like ' i totally don't remember tt happening'. n then he said 'are u usually tt blur? but i guess i was lucky'. (uh... yeah right?!)
then he asked if he could ask me a private question. (ewww... u know it gets weird when ppl start their interrogation of sorts *pfft*) i said it depends on what u wanna ask. then he said it depends on whether i'm liberal/ open-minded. n i said i ain't tt liberal (i'm starting to get defensive) and then i asked 'what are u trying to get at? i mean, if u're physically attracted to me, are u looking for a date or tt u wanna get to know me better?" n he said abt the latter tt it's not tt childish or sth like tt. so i was (hugely irritated) 'alright, so u mean tt u're interested in a fling?' and he said 'sth like tt'. WTF?!?! jeez... ' okay, look here. i aint interested in any fling of sorts. i dunno who u are. i cant put a face to your name. so yeah, is there anything else?' and he STILL persisted wanting to ask me and he NEEDED an answer to know how close i'd get to my bf. jeezz... he's some horny shit right? crapz, i should have just hung up and ask him to f*** off but, it aint me. so after telling him upteen times tt i aint liberal and will not under any circumstances give him an answer cos i dont need to and i'm not obliged to and i dunno who the hell u are and tt u've totally ruined ur impression tt i have of u (not tt i have one), i aint interested man! then he started acting shy and backed off a little saying tt mayb we could meet up someday so tt i could be more comfy answering his questions. i'm like ' i dont think so' and he said he'll call me again after his last paper on friday. DONT PLZ!
peeps, UTTERLY MAJORLY DISGUSTED & IRRITATED! ok, the easiest way out was to just hang up on this piece of shit, but i dunno... i just didnt. felt rude i guess. but jeez... the audacity of his annoyingly absurd persistence in invading my private life?! i dont hafta respond to this stranger. UGH! *pukes* do u think it could be a hoax? someone's playing a trick on me? or tt this jeremy ass is really a despo?! *clench fists*